Disney with Kids – Parenting Hacks

Disney with Kids – Parenting Hacks Edition

By Julie Boardman

As a Mom of three children under the age of five, I was often asked if I was crazy to go on my most recent trip to The Walt Disney World Resort. My only answer to them was that my own Mother started taking me on trips when I was six months old. We then traveled to Disney twice a year, every year, until I was around seventeen. Now, I understand that this is not a normal upbringing, especially since we lived in Indiana, definitely not close to Florida, but my Mom had such a passion and love for Disney that she wanted to be sure that her daughters both had this passion as they grew older.


As I stated previously, I am a Mom to two wonderful step-sons, who at the time were five and three, and a daughter who was seven months old. If you take anything away from this article please take this advice, never let the fear of having young children keep you from experiencing the magic in their eyes when they walk through the gates of Disney World. Of course, there will always be a tiny bit of criticism, those who think they are too young, they won’t remember the trips, it’s too much money, etc. I am here to provide you with three Disney Parenting Hacks that can without a doubt make your trip as magical as possible.

Disney Parenting Hack #1- Don’t over plan, I repeat, DO NOT over plan.

lihljAlthough I am an overly compulsive planner, having children changed how I do Disney. I spent most of my twenties going to Disney World alone or with friends. Normally I would have my FastPasses in order, make sure to get a perfect spot for the parade and fireworks, and stay in the park all day from opening until close without a care in the world. Fast forward to today, on my family’s most recent trip, there was no way possible that we could have had all of that planned. As soon as you have the perfect spot for the parade, your three year old forgot to use the restroom on the last group stop, or your infant decides they would like a cool down in the baby center at the opposite end of the park, (which by the way, those centers are seriously amazing). How about all those FastPasses you had scheduled, I can promise you those will change when you walk up to Peter Pan’s Flight all excited to use that hard earned FastPass, and your five year old decides that eating his own helping of Casey’s Corndog Nuggets, along with an entire Mickey Mouse Ice Cream Sandwich probably wasn’t the best idea, and is all of a sudden very ill. This ends your day at the Magic Kingdom way before getting the prime spot for the fireworks that evening! I recommend taking it easy, finding time for the kids to rest, and trying to plan what you can without squeezing too much in a day.

Disney Parenting Hack #2- Buy those Disney Must Haves before you get to Disney!

One way to save a little money on a trip and provide a little extra magic is to go ahead and pick up as many Disney items as you can prior to actually going on your vacation.  A couple ideas would be, plush characters, autograph books, and Disney t-shirts. Now don’t get me wrong, I am not trying to say you shouldn’t buy anything while on Disney property, but there are definitely ways to cut back costs and still provide the same sort of fun for your kids! I picked up a lot of low costs items such as Star Wars bubbles, Mickey Mouse Totes, Character washcloths to use at the resort while sticker books and glow in the dark items are great for those nighttime parades and fireworks. I surprised my kids with a special little bag of goodies each morning, based on what we were doing that day. They loved the surprise each day, and never had a clue that it wasn’t bought at Disney World, as it was all Disney related.

I also recommend setting limits for take home souvenirs so your children know to pick out that 1 or 2 special must have items. This approach allows them to look through the stores during the trip and consider what they really want. It cuts down on the amount of level five, code red tantrums your toddler might decide to throw at any time, and believe me you will probably have at least one!

Disney Parenting Hack #3- For the love of Mickey, pack an extra set of clothes and snacks!

image3My two boys are eaters, I often say my three-year-old eats like he’s thirteen, so when he gets hungry, it’s not pretty. Now I am a huge fan of the Disney Dining Plan, so therefore, the one thing I do plan on my trips are the meals. By planning our meals, it means there is sometimes a gap where we might not eat for a while, insert snack bag here. I carry individual snacks so that I can pass them out while in line, or waiting for a parade or show. This helps keep the herd occupied and tantrum free! Also, always be sure and keep everyone hydrated! I go to the nearest quick service counter and ask for a couple large cups of ice water, these are always free and saves you from spending money or using a snack credit on a bottle of water.

The reason I advised bringing an extra set of  clothes is because accidents happen, even at Disney. Whether due to food stains or water attractions, keeping an extra set of clothes as a back-up comes in handy for messy clean ups or to dry off.

Disney trips with children change your entire outlook on the vacation, but in the most magical way. You have the amazing joy of seeing Disney through their eyes. I instantly can see what my Mom saw all those years ago and why she thought it was so important to continue taking us, even though I’m sure it wasn’t always easy. The trip becomes more about your children, and what they want to enjoy and experience then what you’re probably used to.  As a parent, I can promise you that you will never regret taking a trip and seeing the magic that lights up your child’s eyes the first time they see Mickey Mouse, or while watching the most amazing firework shows on Earth. Have a magical trip, and never stop dreaming!


Julie - Bio PicJulie B. has been a Disney fanatic since her very first visit at six months old. Throughout the years she has visited Disney at least twice a year, became a cast member, and also lived in Orlando for seven years. Her trips total well over 100 times, and she has visited Walt Disney World, Disneyland, and has also gone on the Disney Cruise Line. Today, Julie is living in Indiana with her Fiancé, her two Stepsons who are 5 and 3, her Daughter who is 1, and another baby on the way! Julie has already passed down the love of Disney to her kids, and is excited to continue the magic of Disney as they grow older!

Thinking of heading down to Walt Disney World to do the “keys to the kingdom” tour now? Well, head on over to Mouse Master Travel and book your next vacation “HOME” don’t forget to tell them Behind The Ears sent you!

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